Female climate scientists choose – no kids

Female climate scientists choose – no kids:

“The fact of the limitation of resources was really clear to me from a young age… Then I learned about climate change and it was even more clear to me… [My husband and I] don’t regret a moment.” Prof Regina Rodrigues, Brazil. 

Every child not born neither contributes to collapse nor suffers from it – this is an act of socio-ecological justice. #JustCollapse

New article: https://www.theguardian.com/environment/article/2024/may/10/climate-scientists-starting-families-children

2 thoughts on “Female climate scientists choose – no kids

  1. AbsoLUTELY!!! I chose childlessness 45 years ago as a white middle class US woman, knowing any children I had would unavoidably steal a disproportionate share of the world’s resources, and I would steal for them out of sentimentality even knowing its unfairness. And now I sadly hope for the extinction of humans soon before we kill everything so that maybe some polar bears, elephants, monarch butterflies, salmon, might live. Heartbreaking, but I don’t think we can reform ourselves in time.


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