
Just Collapse is an activist platform dedicated to socio-ecological justice in face of inevitable and irreversible global collapse.

Just Collapse advocates for a Just Collapse and Planned Collapse to avert the worst outcomes that will follow an otherwise unplanned, reactive collapse.

Just Collapse recognises the impossibility of a globally planned collapse, or degrowth, and instead advocates for localised social and ecological justice.

See our Little Book of Insurgent Planning for some more examples.


Mass biodiversity extinction, coupled with collapsing ecosystems and self-reinforcing climate feedback loops, immediately threaten humanity and all life on earth.

We are in overshoot – using more than the Earth can sustain (e.g. consumption and population) and producing more pollutants than can be absorbed (e.g. CO2 and microplastics).

Collapsologists document that infinite growth on a finite planet inevitably leads to overshoot and the transgression of ecological boundaries – six out of nine boundaries have already been crossed. Collapse is the result of exceeding these limits to growth, overwhelmingly by developed countries.

The hyper-growth entailed in transitioning to ‘clean’ energy and ‘sustainable’ technologies will push us even faster and further over these limits. It is also impossible given finite mineral availability.

Terminating dependence on already depleted fossil fuels will collapse agriculture, economies, and societies. The removal of associated air pollution is already severely exacerbating climate change.

The nature and scale of economic reform required to bring us within ecological limits – for example, by moving from capitalism to degrowth – is synonymous with collapse.

Collapse is inevitable, but justice is not.


Just Collapse acknowledges that responsibility for our current predicament predominantly lies with developed nations which have reaped profits and prosperity from capitalism, economic growth, colonialization, and industrialisation.

We recognise that collapse exacerbates the violence already enacted upon people and places through these processes and that the effects of collapse are first felt by those already marginalised, disadvantaged, and dispossessed.

Just Collapse advocates for a Just Collapse and Planned Collapse which demonstrates and embodies these recognitions.


The Just Collapse strategy and theory of change provides a guide to the focus and implementation of our campaigns and actions…


The #TalkCollapse campaign asks those who understand the inevitability of collapse, to communicate this knowledge as a matter of distributive justice…


Informative resources for understanding collapse and Just Collapse

Engaging with Collapse can be confronting and unsettling. We do not have the expertise to assist those experiencing adverse emotional affects. If this includes you, please seek support from a trained healthcare professional.